We provide

evidence-based programs that help individuals impacted by the criminal legal system in Oklahoma County, reducing recidivism. Our culture of compassion creates a judgment-free space for justice-involved individuals to receive assistance navigating a complex court system. Clients are further supported by a holistic network of partner agencies that provide services on site. Our wraparound services and alternatives to incarceration relieve overloaded judicial processes and restore our community.



When Candace entered the MDP, she was hesitant to trust or open up to others. She felt caught up within the criminal legal system and was in need of assistance. Candace revealed that she had outstanding warrants that she no longer wanted to loom over her everyday life. Candace’s Misdemeanor Diversion Case Manager was able to resolve her outstanding warrants. Furthermore, Candace shared with her Misdemeanor Diversion Case Manager that she was living in a sober living facility and was 4 months...


“I wish more people were like the Diversion Hub, quick to listen and slow to speak and be on their side and really listen.”


“The Diversion Hub save my life, and I now have a life. I have a place to live, I can do a budget now, and 5 years from now I hope be right where I am – housed and a part of my community.”In 2015 Daryle suffered from a detached retina and lost sight in one eye. He had limited access to health care. He picked up a case and was ready to give up. Blind in one eye and partially blind in another, he was experiencing homelessness, and he had probation requirements that were extremely overwhelming....


“My case worker was really friendly and always stayed on top of everything I had going on and kept me on top of my game as well. I really appreciate how you guys don’t judge and are willing to help out with literally anything I asked for. It was definitely a plus to get dental work done, as well and that wasn’t even on my planner, so thank you guys for that as well!”


"This place opens their doors and offers nothing but help. Life isn't bad, I just made a mistake, but not bad enough that I couldn't come out of it. This place is a blessing in disguise."Meet Tommie - A client, son, brother and a graduate of our 90-day program Misdemeanor Diversion! This court-ordered program through Diversion Hub gives individuals the opportunity to get their misdemeanor charge dismissed without costs as a result of working with a Case Manager on a needs-based service plan...


"I'm housed, sober, and things are going so well. You have to trust that you’re going to succeed. I’m lucky I survived. I have more energy than ever. I get a good night’s sleep and I get to eat every day. I feel great!”We met Kenneth in January of 2021. Drinking and substance use led to his involvement with the justice system, but Kenneth is more than just his charges. He was an athlete and played basketball in college. In May he ended two years of homelessness and in June he celebrated his...


"My case manager brought "A Brush with Justice" to my attention because she knew that I was a creative person and it would help me with decompressing and getting out of the house. I figured I would try it out and the first class was a great introduction. Josh is an amazing teacher and artist who lets you know that it’s okay if your project doesn't seem to make sense to you, that it will all come together and make sense, you just have to trust the process. He also reminded me that creating art...


Jaumar began his journey with the Diversion Hub in 2020. He had previous interactions with the criminal legal system, and when a misstep led him back into the system, he knew he had to find a better way. With his own determination, and the help of his case manager and justice navigator, Jaumar has taken huge steps into gainful employment, furthering his education, and recently moving into his own apartment. Jaumar says it best himself by saying, “I have found a better way, and I am never...


“I’m a child that came from not a perfect household that got washed up in the system, but quickly realized and got my life back on the road and I want to lead by example.”


"The Diversion Hub is a great place for finding help and resources. All you have to do is take that first step and ask for help."


“It’s been a huge motivation to keep going.”Juan, a former truck driver from Louisiana, overcame a lot to get to this point but you’d never guess it by looking at his smile. Initially in custody on a 2014 probation violation, Juan became our client in March after the Court agreed to release him to us on an OR bond. An OR bond is a type of pretrial release when an individual has promised, in writing, to appear in court for all upcoming proceedings and the Court releases them on their “own...


"It is such a blessing to get this cost warrant taken care of so that I can provide for my family. It's a tremendous help."Brandon needed a job to support his family, but his recent search for employment wasn’t going as planned. He was diligent in applying and going to interviews and was honest on his applications and in his background checks. His frustrations grew as each time he would go through the entire process, including tests and orientations, only to suddenly be denied employment in...


Daniel entered MDP after being charged with Breaking and Entering. Daniel is 71 years old with severe mobility limitations who lacked stable housing and slept in abandoned buildings at night. During his strengths and needs assessment, Daniel identified housing as his main area of need. After meeting with him, Daniel’s Misdemeanor Diversion Case Manager was able to provide him with a warm coat, new clothing, and a hygiene bag. His Misdemeanor Diversion Case Manager was later made aware of an...

News & Stories

Call To Artists

Call To Artists

The artwork for this RFQ is envisioned to be two flat works, each about 4 ft x 7 ft., hung at selected locations inside the new facility. Read more on the application process.

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SOAR case manager now at Diversion Hub

SOAR case manager now at Diversion Hub

Meet our new SOAR Case Manager, Bonnie! With support from The InAsMuch Foundation and SAMSHA, Bonnie will work to remove the barriers our clients face here at Diversion Hub. She will provide comprehensive SSI/SSDI application assistance for eligible individuals in...

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