Our Mission

Connecting justice involved individuals to life stabilizing resources and services to help them become safe, self-sufficient and stable members of the community thereby reducing their contacts with the justice system.

Our Mission

Connecting justice involved individuals to life stabilizing resources and services to help them become safe, self-sufficient and stable members of the community thereby reducing their contacts with the justice system.

Our Reason

Oklahoma has one of the highest incarceration rates in the country, with jail populations frequently over capacity. Recent criminal justice trends have spurred reforms to move these individuals from jails to diversion programs. Through these programs, individuals receive life-stabilizing resources and assistance navigating a complex court system, enabling them to return to work, their families, and to become part of the community. We aim to fill gaps in the criminal legal system by helping individuals emerge successfully on the other side of their involvement with the judicial process, and to ultimately reduce the pressure on the Oklahoma jail and the prison populations.

Our Reason

Oklahoma has one of the highest incarceration rates in the country, with jail populations frequently over capacity. Recent criminal justice trends have spurred reforms to move these individuals from jails to diversion programs. Through these programs, individuals receive life-stabilizing resources and assistance navigating a complex court system, enabling them to return to work, their families, and to become part of the community. We aim to fill gaps in the criminal legal system by helping individuals emerge successfully on the other side of their involvement with the judicial process, and to ultimately reduce the pressure on the Oklahoma jail and the prison populations.

Our Vision

We work alongside on-site community partners to meet the needs of the client, while keeping community safety and a culture of compassion as our top priority. We provide clients with the needed resources and outlets to help them successfully navigate the justice system.

Our Vision

We work alongside on-site community partners to meet the needs of the client, while keeping community safety and a culture of compassion as our top priority. We provide clients with the needed resources and outlets to help them successfully navigate the justice system.

Diversion Hub through the years

Diversion Hub began as a pilot project in 2019 and has grown into a comprehensive, one-stop network dedicated to assisting justice-involved individuals in Oklahoma County by harnessing the power of multiple support agencies through combined and synchronized services. We now support 8 programs that serve over 3,600 clients annually.

We keep an updated schedule of on-site classes for our clients.

Our wide network of service providers in OK County help us maintain our No Wrong Door policy. 

Meet Our Board of Directors.

Meet the Diversion Hub Staff.

Read about our recent growth at one of the stories below.