Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Diversion Hub provides strategic guidance and oversight to ensure the organization is effectively addressing the gaps in the criminal legal system and adhering to our mission. They play a critical role in securing resources and advocating for policies that support successful diversion programs.

Each board member brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the table. Their commitment goes beyond simply providing oversight; they actively contribute to the achievement of Diversion Hub’s mission in several key ways:

  • Strategic Direction: The board’s experience and expertise allow them to chart a long-term course for Diversion Hub. They help define goals, identify priorities, and establish plans to achieve them.
  • Resource Acquisition: Board members leverage their connections and influence to secure funding and other resources critical for Diversion Hub’s operations and growth.
  • Policy Advocacy: They don’t just work within Diversion Hub; they act as champions for successful diversion programs on a broader scale. By advocating for relevant policies, they work to create a more favorable environment for Diversion Hub’s mission to thrive.