“It is such a blessing to get this cost warrant taken care of so that I can provide for my family. It’s a tremendous help.”


Brandon needed a job to support his family, but his recent search for employment wasn’t going as planned. He was diligent in applying and going to interviews and was honest on his applications and in his background checks. His frustrations grew as each time he would go through the entire process, including tests and orientations, only to suddenly be denied employment in the end. Finally, one of Brandon’s prospective employers let him know that he had a cost warrant preventing him from being hired.

A cost warrant is issued to individuals who have not paid their fines and fees and have not communicated with the court. Brandon’s cost warrant was on a case from 7 years ago. He hadn’t committed any new offenses, but was behind on court costs due to his financial circumstances. When a cost warrant for failure to pay is issued, there are additional fees and costs added to the total balance. Brandon was unaware of the consequences of failing to pay the fines and fees and wasn’t informed of the cost warrant until he had already lost out on a few employment opportunities.

Brandon was stuck. To gain financial stability to provide for his family and pay his court costs he needed a job, but with this cost warrant he couldn’t get hired. Discouraged, he came to the Diversion Hub for help. His justice navigator, Brogan, explained the process and met him at the court to help him set up a payment plan. Now with the cost warrant taken care of, Brandon can get a job and provide for his family while maintaining monthly payments until his fines and fees are paid in full.